Monday, July 30, 2012

First (posted) Gyaru attempt! :3

So! I meant to say that I've joined the ever-growing Facebook group, Black Gyaru of the World! I've been there for almost a month now? O.e. The people there are super friendly and are quick to give advice when you ask for it. I had been just watching the main page of this group for FOREVER! I was so concerned about many numerous things, such as:
1. "I'm too fricking old to join!"
2. "I'm flat broke, I can't afford this lifestyle."
3. "I don't wanna be a n00b!!"
4. "Will they accept me?"

And the list goes on... but let me tell you, these people ARE AMAZING. They respect your inexperience (and experience). And aren't afraid to point out little mistakes or adjustments you can make. I swear I check this page every 10 - 20 minutes because there is always something being updated! For any wish-to-be black Gyaru, I highly recommend you check out this group, you won't regret it! :)

As the title would suggest, I attempted a  full Gyaru look for church this past Sunday (the first attempt was only for the eyes). I skimmed Google for a collage maker and threw this together:

Cutie! ^O^ 
I was really proud of myself! ^O^ I think this is the most makeup I've ever put on for church lol, a lot of people noticed it too, I never realized the difference until I wanted to follow the Gyaru styles. Before, I'd line my top lid, brush on some cheapy foundation, slick on the gloss and be out the door. I'm so lazy! Lol! But now... HOLY CRAP I see a major difference! :)

I posted my collage to my group on FB, in hopes to get some feedback, and boy did I ever!! I think I'll just post here as a note to remember what everyone said! ^O^

1. HEAVIER/DARKER CONTOURING, mix contour powder with a matte grey if possible to avoid harsher lines! - It's not visible enough, only @ the tip of my nose
2. Begin the contouring at the edge of the eyebrows and work your way down, stronger highlight on the bridge! - I always started in the hallow underneath my eyebrows >n<
3. Use a brush!! - I tend to over-blend, so all the highlight/contour powder ends up on my fingers instead >w<
4. Curl your lashes!! - I never understood how a 'clamp' works to curl your lashes, but I'm definitely going to invest in one of these!
5. Heavier concealer! - I recently bought NYX concealer in Yellow, the crap I used before was SUPER thick and irritated my eye :(

As I'll probably keep gushing on forever, I'm so glad I joined this group! <3

Upcoming Reviews:
1. GEO Forest Brown Circle Lenses!
2. Cherry Culture Crazy Review!
3. Replica eBay lashes!
4. Quick 1-Step eBay Nails!

I'll be doing some more posting throughout the day, it's kind of slow here at work finally... haha. <3

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