Saturday, May 17, 2014

Let's Try Again

Well... here we are nearly half a year later and my blog has unchanged... been untouched, although I do appreciate those randomers who take the time out to read my reviews, it makes me hopeful :)

Once again, there's been so much crap going on it's ridiculous, I guess it comes with aging? Blech, what an awful thing to come from a 20-something year old! Anyway, with everything going steadily uphill after crashing (and still burning) a few times, I want to get back to blogging. I still have quite a few drafts floating around that need to get completed soon, so I'll get those out first. If I had to summarize how my life has been going...

  • New boyfriend
  • New job
  • Apartment searching (for the end of this year)
  • Hopefully no more slacking in school (which begins Monday!)
  • Many other random things
To start, I want vlog about this 10-day Detox for health and weight loss, nothing but green smoothies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 10 days. No sugar, soda, fried foods, processed goods... nope.... nada... I think I'm gonna give up by day 2! XD but I want to track my progress, as well as give insight to anyone interested :) 

Don't worry, I plan on picking up all the fun make up stuff soon, anytime I buy something I think "Wow, I think I'll blog about this!"... and I eventually end up playing Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, I hope to get some drafts completed and uploaded soon, I promise <3

Bye for now!!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Note the Blog Changes!

Hey everyone! And Happy Super Late New Year!!!

I've done a lot of reflecting already this year, and decided to make some big changes to this blog! I know what you're thinking: "Didn't she say that LAST year?" I most certainly did, but I never took into context what my revamped blog was going to be like. I've decided that this will NO LONGER BE ABOUT ME WANTING TO BE GYARU (for now). Period. I've realized what stopped me was the fact that I never knew what to post that was remotely gyaru related, so why even try? I have been putting lens reviews and hauls on hold simply because it has no relation to gyaru. Now, does this mean anything I post will not be gyaru inspired or related? Nope. Does this mean I'll stop reading gyaru based magazines? Nuh-uh. Does this mean I'll cease all purchases from Japan? HELL NO! You may as well kill me by then, I've studied and read too much into this style to just drop and walk away. So there will still be influence from this style, but nothing major.

With that said, I just want to give an overall idea of what's to come:

Natural Hair Journey (and some, not-so-natural hair adventures!)

Fashion, Weight Loss, and Health Journey

Beauty and Makeup Journey

And here are my posts that are still in the works!

  1. Kawaii Claws nail review
  2. Aphogee Protein Treatment
  3. Dolly Plus Grey Circle Lenses
  4. First (mini) haul

I think this will be the basis of my blog/vlog journey, I'm so excited to make a fresh start, and I hope you are too!

Take Care~!

Alicia 0.~ (I'm thinking I might just start using my name in these posts lol)