Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Project Gal Week Four

Ah!!! Finally Week Four!! Theme of the week (and my absolute favorite) iiiis.....

Well, the technical term is "Deciding on What to Start With", but I like shopping much more! However, I'm technically broke. Within the past two months, I've spoiled my self with a bigger TV (because the old one made it impossible to read text while game playing), and a tablet (because lugging a laptop to school was getting annoying). As a result, I want to pay off my bills before I do any MAJOR shopping, and I'm not trying to rack up more debt while doing so! Instead, I've been making a list of all the products I want to/ intend to buy, that way when I do begin shopping, I'll be pretty much squared away on the products I want to purchase to achieve my look. Be warned, the list gets pretty long, and there's a possibility that some things I've already purchased. This will also help me keep track, even though I have everything recorded in a little black book I carry in my bag. Here's my list, if there are any links, feel free to click them to be redirected to their respective website, you might find something useful!! :D

Payday has FINALLY come! I think it's time to reward myself a bit and update my eBay shopping spree XD
  1. Lighted Mirror (free standing currently watching) *purchased!*
  2. Eyelashes (my faves thus far- upperupper and lower)
  3. Makeup compact with empty wells (for pressing powders) *purchased!*
  4. Rubbing Alcohol (for pressing powders) *purchased!*
  5. Highlighting powder for nose (I purchased this recently, can't wait to get it!) *got it!*
  6. Clear UV Gel (as a starter for my nails) OR lightless gel  (iffy on this one...)
  7. UV Lamp (depends on gel type)
  8. Eyelash Tweezers *purchased!*
  9. Makeup Brushes
  10. Dragon Ear Cuff (I saw in the Pyramid Collection catalog, but too expensive... to eBay!) *purchased!*
  11. Floor Length Mirror
  12. Lycee Eye Drops *purchased!*
  13. Nail design tools (Dotting pen, UV brush...ect.) *purchased!*
  14. Hair accessories (anything I can think of!)
I obviously don't intend to go out and buy everything at once, I only plan to purchase little by little and I update the list as I go. Once I try out my new highlighting powder, I'll make sure to put a review up as soon as I can! 

Upcoming Posts:
The Challenge Part 3: Nails
Hampton Mini Vacay Gets!
Prepping for the AUSA Meet! ^O^

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Update!! Halloween Dreams... and Vampy Nightmares

Updated!! I came across this video on and it's exactly what I've been looking for!! Enjoy! <3

When it comes to Halloween, I'll be honest... to have a day where I can step into someone else completely unnatural makes me extremely happy. I think for the past few years I've stuck to being a vampire, one because it's the easiest look to pull off for work (and because those pumpkin flashing pin-and-earring-and-necklace sets are kinda tacky XP), two is that it can be sexy as hell (curse you modern day interpretations!), three is because it's just fun! Last year I did the Halloween getup for work, fangs and some red glittery lips, but now I have something added to my aresnal! And that is...... *drum roll*

Click the picture to be connected to the Facebook Page
I originally placed an order for the I.Fairy Hanabi Red lenses, but they were out of stock so I settled for these instead. Sadly because of my stalling last year, the lenses arrived on the day of Halloween, which didn't give me the chance to soak the lenses overnight to clean out the preservatives. In order to keep them safe and clean, they've stayed in their glass vials unopened.... waiting for their time....

With that said, I've some other tools I'll be using to achieve the look I'm going for, using what I already have, plus a few new things possibly >:3

This love color is Stoplight Red from the Wet N' Wild Collection. Despite being a cheap-priced drugstore product, the color deposit is stunning, it was the main reason why I fell in love with classic red lips to begin with! I would use either this or my NYX Plush Red that I ordered from (see Part 1 of my Cherry Culture Haul!!!)

Also, I'll be adding to the toolbox something to add to the drama effect... a black lip liner <3 ^O^ I've purchased NYX's Blackberry and it should arrive in a few days, I'm almost too excited! Until then, I will sit and wait patiently for my package to arrive.

And the most obvious top off for any vampire look are these babies.....

My dear trusty Scarecrow Love Bites Fangs! Their small than Scarecrow's usual products, which makes these perfect for work. I wore them last year at work and the reactions were priceless... some of my patients didn't even know they were there until I looked at them head on or laughed XD then one of the nurses dragged me from place to place, commented on my makeup with someone, then told me to smile or say something so the fangs would show. But now that I've moved to a more reclusive area at the hospital, I think I can afford to be a bit more dramatic without worrying about running into my supervisors... fingers crossed! 

As far as eye makeup is concerned, I think I'll save that for when I actually begin to test out how I actually want to look, so I will probably be saved for another post out in October somewhere... for now I'll begin on my Project Gal post, based on a Facebook Doc one of the girls from the group uploaded. I'm starting on Month One, which is based on researching sub-styles and skimming magazines and well, learning about the gyaru I want to become. That should be up sometime next week, and will be continually updated as I acquire more knowledge, that way if anyone should come across it, they might find something useful too! :D

I leave you with this inspo pic I found on Google, the look I'm aiming for however, is more dramatic I think (well obviously with red contacts lenses!).

Sweet Dreams...